Essentially Speaking – Essential Oils At Home

Isn’t it about time that we all stopped and smelled the roses, or in this case our homes? With many of us still working from home and considering permanent changes to the time we spend at the office, the benefits of using products containing essential oils in our homes, can be appreciated now, more than ever. It’s really interesting how beautiful smells and aromas can improve our mental state.
Essential Oils Health Benefits
Aromatherapy uses essential oils, which can support our health and wellbeing in everyday life. Essential oils in our range, whether used in diffusers, or for other purposes, can definitely fill your space with gorgeous aromas, while positively impacting your mood and enhancing your physical health.
So, whether you’re at home, caring for your young kids, or jumping on your third Zoom meeting for the day, stop for a moment and take a breath.
Essential Oils are a Safer Option
Natural essential oils are a much better and safer way to have a pleasant-smelling home, without the unnecessary exposure to nasty chemicals and carcinogens, in some commercial air fresheners. Pure essential oils are non-toxic, safe products, and our essential oils, are made from steam distilled, or pressed plant extracts.
Our children will remember the smell of the family home for the rest of their lives. Let’s give them some pleasant memories.
There are over 30 Little Innoscents essential oils and blends to choose from!
Each essential oil has a unique smell and potential health benefits.
Our Most Popular Essential Oils
Eucalyptus: The Eucalyptus is native to Australia and its healing powers come from the aromatic scent of mint and camphor. Everyone’s Grandma would know that, especially at home, eucalyptus helps you breathe easier. It does this by clearing the air for the lungs and airways in your body.
Lavender: One of the most popular oils in aromatherapy, Lavender is recognised as an essential oil that promotes relaxation and is known to help relieve stress and anxiety. With that in mind, using this oil at home can be comforting to our mental wellbeing. Relaxation is key to a good night’s sleep and this will help to make you feel better all day long.
Lemon: Have you noticed that the smell of lemons often lifts our mood? In recent years, scientific research has begun to show similar results. Smelling these natural oils may also aid digestion, lighten headaches and fight harmful bacteria.
Lemon is a very comforting oil to have around the house – it will leave your space smelling beautiful and fresh and will help to lift the spirits, which can be much needed during the winter months!
Jasmine Our Jasmine is made from flowers of the jasmine plant. Apart from having a gorgeous aroma, it can assist with reducing stress and lifting our mood.
More Information
For additional facts and information about our Aromatherapy line, check out our FAQ page via this link here.
To view and shop our range of essential oils and blends click here.