Rebecca’s Little Innoscents Favourites

This month TV-star and presenter, Rebecca Maddern shared what her favourite Little Innoscents products are, and why her and daughter Ruby absolutely love them!
Organic Milky Whites Toothpaste
This is my favourite product in the range. I’ve never used anything else as Ruby loves the taste and I know it’s safe to use. I was always worried about what toothpaste would be safe for a little one and I found it. It makes brushing fun and it’s the perfect size tube for a little one.
Organic Intensive Soothing Cream
This is something that is always in “my kit” I use it on little scrapes or bumps or bites and dry and skin. It’s very calming and healing with a wonderful list of natural ingredients including Aloe Vera and Avocado oil.
Organic Winter Blues Balm
I remember my mum used to rub my chest when I had coughs and colds as a little one. Now I do the same for Ruby. This all natural balm is perfect to use to help her get a good night’s sleep when she’s a bit sniffly, it makes such a difference. She loves when I rub it on her feet too.
Little Innoscents Aromatherapy Oils
It’s really hard to choose a favourite because they all smell yummy! I tend to gravitate towards the more citrus smells so Grapefruit, Mandarin and Lime would be my top 3. I love how they make Ruby’s room smell like a day spa. I often move the diffuser into our bedroom too because there is just something really nice about a beautiful smelling room.
Natural Sun Lotion SPF 30
This is one of the thicker lotions on the market but that’s why I like it because it doesn’t feel like it comes off as soon as they get to the beach. My daughter is fair skinned so we are extra conscious of limiting harsh sun exposure however we live near the beach so this is next to impossible. This lotion offers great protection and I love the fact that’s it’s all natural. I just wouldn’t be comfortable smothering her entire body every day in summer with chemicals. This is all natural and safe.
If you have any questions about any of our products – don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at or via our Contact Us form.